Bahria Apartment - FBR Valuation
Category | Sizes (Sqft) | FBR Valuation (Rs.) Sqft | FBR Full Valuation (Rs.) | Buyer & Seller – Filer (3%) | Seller – Non Filer (6%) | Buyer – Non Filer (10.5%) | Over Seas – Filer / Non Filer (3%) |
Apartment | 2-Bedroom (950) | 3,375 | 3,206,250 | 96,188 | 192,375 | 336,656 | 96,188 |
Apartment | 3 – Bedroom (2250) | 3,375 | 7,593,750 | 227,813 | 455,625 | 797,344 | 227,813 |
Apartment | 4 – Bedroom (2850) | 3,375 | 9,618,750 | 288,563 | 577,125 | 1,009,969 | 288,563 |
Bahria Heights | 2 Bedroom | 3,375 | 3,524,000 | 106,260 | 212,520 | 371,910 | 106,260 |
S.R.O. 345(I)/2022.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 68 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (XLIX of 2001) and in supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 1551(I)/2021, dated the 1st December, 2021, Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to determine the following fair market value of immoveable properties as specified
Above are the FBR Valuation table for Bahria Town Karachi from March 22, 2022 till present.